Do you use Tripletex for your administration? The integration between Tribe CRM and Tripletex can save you a lot of time. Errors that may arise from manually entering relationships are a thing of the past. Moreover, invoices in Tribe CRM are also automatically created in Tripletex thanks to the comprehensive integration.
What functionalities does the integration with Tripletex have?
How do I activate the integration?
Deactivating and deleting data
What data is synchronized?
1. What functionalities does the integration with Tripletex have?
The Tripletex integration consists of three components:
Relationship synchronization
Product synchronization
Invoice synchronization
Relationship Synchronization
When the integration is activated, during the initial synchronization, customers and suppliers from Tripletex are automatically loaded into Tribe CRM. A duplicates check is performed on the existing relationships in Tribe CRM. This check is based on a unique ID from Tripletex. If this is not found, an additional check is performed based on the debtor or creditor number.
After the initial synchronization, new relationships and changes in existing relationship data are automatically updated. This applies both from Tribe CRM to Tripletex and vice versa. The synchronization is based on the unique ID in Tripletex.
A new customer or supplier always receives a debtor or creditor number in Tribe. When you use the Tripletex integration, this number is overwritten with the debtor or creditor number assigned by Tripletex.
Note: The synchronization of relations between Tribe and Tripletex and vice versa, will take place immediately.
Product Synchronization
The integration also supports product synchronization. Similar to relationships, products are applied through a two-way synchronization. Duplicate checks are performed based on the ID from Tripletex.
Invoice Synchronization
When an invoice status is changed to Send in Tribe, it will automatically be synchronized as a (draft) invoice to Tripletex (is dependant on the integration settings). We ensure that you have all the necessary information complete by adding al relevant information to the booked invoice, such as date, invoice and productlines.
2. How do I activate the integration?
Note! Are there already data in your financial administration and in your Tribe environment? First, make sure that the correct debtor and creditor numbers are entered for the customers and suppliers in Tribe CRM. This is to avoid duplicates due to the initial import.
Open the Marketplace in the upper right corner of your screen.
Go to the Financial tab and select Tripletex.
Activate the integration by clicking “Activate.”
Enter the secret key which you can find in Tripletex, and activate the integration.
Activate the necessary settings in the general settings tab. Any activated items will be synchronised between the two systems.
Select the standard ledger account.
Open the Units tab and configure the mapping between Tribe units and Economic Units.
Open the VAT Groups tab and link the correct VAT groups. (The VAT codes defined in Tribe CRM must be linked to the correct VAT codes in Tripletex. Which VAT codes need to be linked depends on the country of the visit address of your own organization.)
After activation, the initial synchronization from Tripletex to Tribe CRM will start immediately. Depending on the size of your administration, this may take some time.
3. Deactivating and deleting data
Over time, you may need to clean up your relationship or product data.
Deleting Data
If you delete data from Tribe, it’s important to know that the integration will never delete data from Tripletex. The same applies in the opposite direction. When you delete data from Tripletex, it will never be removed from Tribe CRM.
Deactivating Data
When you deactivate a relationship in Tripletex, it is not processed with the status "former" in Tribe CRM. The relationship remains active.
When you deactivate a relation in Tripletex, it is processed in Tribe CRM with the status "former."
4. What data is synchronized?
The following fields are synchronised from Tripletex to Tribe CRM.
Organisation (Customer/Supplier)
Tripletex | Tribe |
Name | Organization Name |
Website | Website |
Customer number | Debtor Number |
Address | Visiting Address |
Invoice Email | Financial Email Address |
Phone | Phone Number |
Organisation Number | VAT number |
Supplier number | Creditor Number |
Tripletex | Tribe |
Name | First Name, Middle Name, Last Name |
Telephone | Phone Number |
Mobile phone number + country code | Mobile phone number * |
Email Address |
* Mobile phone number is validated against some valid country codes. If the phone number in Tribe does not have a country code, Norway will be selected (+47) and on sync back from Tripletex it will be added in the field in Tribe.
Person (individual customer)
Tripletex | Tribe |
Name | First Name, Middle Name, Last Name |
Customer number | Debtor Number |
Telephone | Private Phone Number |
Private Email Address | |
Tripletex | Tribe |
No. | Code |
Name | Name |
Product group | VAT |
Unit price | Sales Price |
Description | Description |
Unit cost price | Purchase price |
VAT group | Product group |
Unit | Unit |
Tripletex | Tribe |
Order Number | Number |
Reference | Reference |
Invoice comment | Subject |
Payment terms in days | Invoice due in |
Delivery date, Order date, Invoice date | Invoice Date |
Invoice lines | Product Lines |