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Practical examples of views
Updated over 5 months ago

Views are incredibly useful for understanding data in Tribe CRM. You can set which data is in a view by adding columns and filters. A view is also the basis for exporting data from Tribe. The export file contains the data from the columns set in the view. In this article, we provide some practical examples of frequently asked questions related to creating views.

Also check out the articles below for more information about views and the structure of Tribe CRM.

  1. Customer view with address fields

  2. Private view with address fields

  3. Contact view with contact and business address data

  4. Add selection lists to a view

1 Customer view with address fields

In this example we are using the customer relationship type, however, you can use the same steps for the other organisation relationship types such as supplier, lead etc.

One visit, mail and invoice address can be registered with an organisation. The address information is stored in the entity address. This entity is linked to the organisation. There are therefore no separate address fields at organisation level.

Follow the steps below to create the view.

  1. Navigate to configuration > relations > customers.

  2. Open the customers management mode. If you have opened the customer view, click the cog icon to open the management mode.

  3. Click on the views tab.

  4. Add a filter if necessary.

  5. Click the + button to add a column.

  6. The fields picker opens in the client tab. This lists all the fields available in for the entity customer.

  7. The address data is linked to the organisation. Click on the organisation tab.

  8. The fields picker opens in the organisation tab. Here are all the fields available for the entity organisation.

  9. The address data is linked to the organisation. Click on the organisation links tab.

  10. In the single column, click the value visit address.

  11. The fields picker opens the address tab. Click on the value street.

  12. The column street is now added to the view.

  13. Repeat steps 5 to 11 for the remaining address columns.

  14. Do you also want to add organisation data such as phone number, website and e-mail address to the view? You can find these fields at step 8 on the organisation tab.

2 Private view with address fields

In this example, we use the relation type private person, however, you can also use the same steps for the other person relation types such as private customer, candidate etc.

One private address can be registered for a person. The address data is stored in the entity address. This entity is linked to the person. There are therefore no separate address fields at the person level.

Follow the steps below to create the view.

  1. Navigate to configuration > relations > private individuals.

  2. Open the private individuals view. If you have opened the private individuals view, click the cog icon to open the management mode.

  3. Click on the views tab.

  4. Add a filter if necessary.

  5. Click the + button to add a column.

  6. The fields picker opens in the private tab. This lists all the fields available in for the entity private person.

  7. The address data is linked to the person. Click on the person tab.

  8. The fields picker opens in the person tab. Here are all the fields available for the entity person.

  9. The address details are linked to the person. Click on the person links tab.

  10. In the single column, click the value private address.

  11. The fields picker opens the address tab. Click on the value street.

  12. The column street is now added to the view.

  13. Repeat steps 5 to 11 for the remaining address columns.

  14. Do you also want to add personal data such as private e-mail, private phone and private mobile to the view? You can find these fields at step 8 on the person tab.

3 Contact person view with contact and business address data

When you register a contact, you have the option to record the business data (mobile, e-mail, etc.). This data is stored in the entity contact. The contact is linked to a relation of the organisation type, to the organisation one visit, mail and invoice address can be registered. The address data is stored in the entity address. This entity is linked to the organisation.

Follow the steps below to create the view.

  1. Navigate to configuration > relationships > contacts.

  2. Open the contacts management mode. If you have opened the contact view, click the cog icon to open the management mode.

  3. Click on the views tab.

  4. Add a filter if necessary.

  5. Click the + button to add a column.

  6. The fields picker opens in the contact tab. This contains all the fields available in for the entity contact person, such as (business) mobile number or e-mail address. Add these columns, if required.

  7. The contact person is linked to one relationship. Open the contact person links tab.

  8. In the single column, click the value relationship.

  9. The fields picker opens in the relationship tab. This lists all the fields available for the entity relationship.

  10. The contact is linked to a relationship, namely an organisation. Click on the if organisation tab.

  11. The address data is linked to the organisation. Click on the organisation links tab.

  12. In the single column, click the value visit address.

  13. The fields picker opens the address tab. Click on the value street.

  14. The column street is now added to the view.

  15. Repeat steps 5 to 14 for the remaining address columns.

4 Add drop-down lists to a view

Selection lists are often used when capturing data. Pick lists make data entry easier for a user, provide uniformity and make it easier to search on a value. Tribe CRM has two types of drop-down lists, single and multiple. Here, the user can select one value or multiple values in the field.

Note that in the examples below we start with the contact type. However, selection lists and labels can be found for all relation types. Perform these steps for the desired relation type.

Single selection list

In this example, we follow the steps for adding a single pick list to a view. We use the pick list function, which can be found with the relation type contact, but you can also use the same steps for the other pick lists.

A pick list is a linked entity to, in this case, a contact. One function can be registered with a contact.

Follow the steps below to create the view.

  1. Navigate to configuration > relations > contacts.

  2. Open the management mode of contacts. If you have opened the contact view, click the cog icon to open the management mode.

  3. Click on the views tab.

  4. Add a filter if necessary.

  5. Click the + button to add a column.

  6. The fields picker opens in the contact tab. This lists all the fields available in for the entity contact. Select the fields here that are not of the drop-down list type.

  7. Click on the contact person links tab and in the click on function in the single column.

  8. Click the blue button select this field.

Multiple choice list

In this example, we will follow the steps for adding a multiple choice list to a view. We are using the drop-down list opt-out e-mail categories, this can be found under the relation type contact, however, you can also use the same steps for the other drop-down lists.

A drop-down list is a linked entity to, in this case, a contact. Multiple opt-out e-mail categories can register with a contact.

Follow the steps below to create the view.

  1. Navigate to configuration > relationships > contacts.

  2. Open the contacts management mode. If you have opened the contact view, click the cog icon to open the management mode.

  3. Click on the views tab.

  4. Add a filter if necessary.

  5. Click the + button to add a column.

  6. The fields picker opens in the contact tab. This lists all the fields available in for the entity contact. Select the fields here that are not of the drop-down list type.

  7. Click on the contact person links tab and in the click on opt-out e-mail categories in the multiple column.

  8. Click the blue button select this field.

If multiple opt-out categories are registered with a contact, these categories are displayed comma-separated in the column.


The steps from the previous chapter on multiple choice lists can also be followed when you want to add a column with labels to the view. In step 7, you choose labels in the multiple column and then click the select this field button.

If multiple labels are associated with a contact, they are displayed comma-separated in the column.

Exporting multiple selection lists/labels

As multiple values may be linked to a relation, the export of a view containing a multiple choice list will consist of two different files.

The main file contains all columns as in the view, except for the column with the pick list values. The second file, e.g. contacts - labels, shows the labels associated with the contact. In both files you will find a column with a UUID or parentID. The UUID from the main file corresponds to the parent ID from the second file.

When several labels are registered with one person, the UUID of the relation will also be shown several times in the label file. Once for each label associated with the person.

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