A project contains a number of standard widgets relating to budget, invoicing, time recording, occupancy and profit. In this article, we describe the content of the different calculations.
Budget consumed
Projects in Tribe CRM
Budget consumed: The sum of sales material + sales hours + external costs
Sales material: The sum of all product lines linked to the project (or specific milestone), both invoiced and yet to be invoiced. Product lines with an hour unit are not counted here.
Sales hours: The sum of the sales value of all time entries linked to the project (or specific milestone), both processed and pending hours.
External costs: The sum of all external costs linked to the project (or specific milestone).
Projects in Tribe CRM
Invoiced: Total amount of invoices sent
Sent: The sum of all invoices with status sent, linked to the project (or specific milestone).
Draft: The sum of all invoices with the status draft, linked to the project (or specific milestone).
Forecast: The difference between the budget amount, minus the linked invoices with status sent. Both on the entire project or specific milestone.
Time spent
Projects in Tribe CRM
Time spent: The sum of hours from all time entries linked to the project (or specific milestone). Compared to the budget of the entire project or specific milestone.
Projects in Tribe CRM
Occupancy: The sum of all hours entered in the occupancy linked to the project (and specific milestone)
Profit / loss: Sales - (Internal hour costs + External costs + Purchase costs)
Sales: The sum of all product lines linked to the project (or specific milestone), incl. hours
Internal hour costs: The sum of all time records linked to the project (or specific milestone), both invoiced and uninvoiced.
External costs: The sum of the external costs linked to the project (and specific milestone).
Purchase costs: The sum of the purchase price of all product lines linked to the project (or specific milestone).